The 4 Four M's

I want to talk to you about the 4 M’s: Midlife, Menopause and Marriage endings - I’ll get to the 4th later).


Experiencing just one of those M’s can be tough. Experiencing all three at the same time is exhausting and it can feel like your world is imploding. 


You’re anxious, you have no confidence, you left your identity behind when you gave up work. You feel unattractive, old (even older now that your ex is in a relationship with a younger woman) worried about the future…It’s a lot.


A bloody lot and it’s a narrative I hear all the time from my clients. 


And that’s where the fourth M comes in. 




Of course having a strong mindset isn’t going to stop the menopause symptoms but it will help you love yourself and build your confidence.


The definition of mindset is this: Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. It means that what you believe about yourself impacts your success or failure.


In a nutshell mindset is having a can do attitude, it’s about learning from your mistakes, being willing to take risks and loving and accepting yourself. 


As a mindset coach it’s my job to support my clients to embrace their quirks, celebrate their achievements and live a positive life.


If you are experiencing the 3 Ms right now know this: You are a triumph. 


Start working on your mindset everyday, read books, listen to podcasts and follow me on social media for tips and support. 

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