How reframing can help you move on after divorce

How re-framing can help you move on after divorce


It’s been a long year and staying positive has often felt like hard work. With all the bad news in the media and your own personal battles, it’s easy to stay stuck and overwhelmed. But staying stuck isn’t an option so how do we quickly pull ourselves together?


Reframing thoughts is when you actively notice unhelpful thoughts in your mind and reframe them into more useful thoughts. 


This technique can be really helpful to support you to get unstuck and reframe your negative mindset.


Here are a few tips on how to do this.


  1. Ask yourself if the thought is true. You might be telling yourself that you will never be in a relationship again. Is this true? How do you know it’s true?
  2. Become more aware of your thoughts. Often our negative thoughts can spiral very quickly. Start to notice when these thoughts come into your mind and learn to switch them off
  3. If something doesn’t work out think about the lessons you have learnt and what you can do differently next time
  4. Start assuming positive outcomes. If you imagine yourself being successful or imagine that others are thinking positively about you, you are more likely to have a good outcome
  5. Try not to take everything so personally. because something happened near you, doesn’t mean that it had anything to do with you. You aren’t the centre of the universe!

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