Finding joy in hard times

Woman wearing a pink dress laughing

How to find joy in adversity 


The 2020s haven’t gotten off to a great start have they? A pandemic, a fuel crisis, war, the death of the Queen…It’s been a bit of a rough ride so far.


If you're recovering from a divorce or break-up then you might be feeling fragile and all this bad news might be making you feel worse. 


That’s why finding joy in the everyday is so important.


Feeling joyful is one of the best ways to change our mood. Why? Because it releases dopamine and serotonin, two types of neural transmitters in the brain. Both of these chemicals are associated with happiness.  In fact, people with clinical depression often have lower levels of serotonin. 


It can be hard to focus on joy when you are facing tough times but even tiny amounts of the happy chemicals I mentioned above will help lift your mood. 


Of course joy is very personal and what makes you happy might not appeal to someone else but here are some of the ways my clients find joy.


  1. Dogs running in the park
  2. Being in nature
  3. Listening to songs of my youth
  4. Talking to my best friend
  5. Watching Schitts Creek
  6. A hot cup of coffee and a magazine
  7. A good book
  8. Live music
  9. Cuddling my grandchildren
  10. A bunch of flowers 

Can you make your own joy list today? 


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