My ex has started dating again and I feel so sad

woman looking upset

Even if your divorce or break up was your idea, that doesn't mean you'll automatically feel fine when your ex starts dating someone else. Feeling jealous or upset is normal. You were in a relationship with this person and they were a huge part of your life. 


Don’t beat yourself up because  you still care. It’s normal to still have feelings for your ex, even if you instigated the end of the relationship. This is a new part of the grieving process (because you do grieve when a relationship ends) and it’s a part that you haven’t had to deal with yet.


Here are five tips which will help you process your emotions.


  1. Feel your feelings. If  you want to cry, then cry. It’s so important to allow your emotions to surface. We can’t process them if we squash them down.
  2. Don’t act on your negative emotions. You might feel angry or jealous but don’t lash out at your ex or their partner. Remember, they are allowed to move on and they have just reached a stage in their own grieving process that you haven’t reached yet.
  3. Create a letting go ritual. Unfollow your ex on social media, give an item that is a painful reminder of them to a charity shop or write a letter to them telling them you have let them go which you can burn. 
  4. Remember why you broke up. Jealousy has a habit of encouraging you to only remember the good bits of your relationship so it's important to take off those rose tinted glasses. 
  5. Remember that this isn’t about you. You are not being replaced. Your relationship with your ex was unique to you. Their moving on is not a reflection on your relationship.


Remember that this feeling will pass and you will start to move on. 

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