Five simple tips to turn your bad day around

Cup and an open book on a table

Five simple mood boosters to help you turn a bad morning into a good day


Let’s be honest we all have those mornings where things just don’t go to plan. The alarm doesn’t go off, the kids are playing up, you spill cereal on the floor or worse coffee over your freshly washed work clothes, your ex sends you a really annoying text. Bad mornings happen. 


If we’re not careful the bad morning can turn into a bad day and by the end of it we’re grumpy and tired. 


Sound familiar? Here are five simple tips to turn your bad morning into a good day. 


  1. Take a moment to breathe. Try some square breathing - visualise drawing a square. Breathe in and as you do so draw the first line, pause, breathe out and draw the second line. Keep doing this for a few minutes and focus on what you are feeling and what is bothering you.
  2. Have a quick kitchen disco. Put on your favourite song and dance it out.
  3. Get some exercise, a walk, run, workout, will help you release endorphins and get into a better frame of mind.
  4. Be grateful. When we focus on the things we are grateful for our mood shifts instantly from positive to negative.
  5. Be rational. In the grand scheme of things, is it a big deal, or is it a series of tiny issues mounting? Does a glass of spilled milk really matter?

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